Want to come design for Mscraps??
Now is your chance to get in on the best place in the digi world!
We are looking to add a few designers to our team!
Memory Scraps is a digital site specializing in
high quality digital scrapbooking supplies
and Photographer’s Tools in a wide variety of styles.
We are a well established store with a large customer base, excellent store CT and a dedicated store owner & admin team.
control over your own store, sales etc with X-Cart
payment once a month, always on time
commission based on sales: 75/25 (< $200) l 80/20 ($201 - $999) l 85/15 (> $999)
high quality designs
min. 1 new product a month
active participation in our community
contribute to our monthly store collab
max. 1 other store besides mscraps (2 stores total)
send an application to: admin@mscraps.com
(subject: designer call - your design name)
include the folowing info:
your design name and real name
a short bio
a link to your current store(s) (if applicable)
3 previews of your work
a sample that best represents your style (min. 5 papers + 10 elements)
Sunday February 12th, 2012 - 23:59PM GMT
We are looking to add a few designers to our team!
Memory Scraps is a digital site specializing in
high quality digital scrapbooking supplies
and Photographer’s Tools in a wide variety of styles.
We are a well established store with a large customer base, excellent store CT and a dedicated store owner & admin team.
control over your own store, sales etc with X-Cart
payment once a month, always on time
commission based on sales: 75/25 (< $200) l 80/20 ($201 - $999) l 85/15 (> $999)
high quality designs
min. 1 new product a month
active participation in our community
contribute to our monthly store collab
max. 1 other store besides mscraps (2 stores total)
send an application to: admin@mscraps.com
(subject: designer call - your design name)
include the folowing info:
your design name and real name
a short bio
a link to your current store(s) (if applicable)
3 previews of your work
a sample that best represents your style (min. 5 papers + 10 elements)
Sunday February 12th, 2012 - 23:59PM GMT